Board Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each Month at the Woodvale Community League. There is no board meeting in July.
To contact any board member listed below, please send an email to For any urgent matters please call the Woodvale Facility office at 780 462 2101 during regular business hours.
2023-2024 Officers
President Eric Amyotte
Vice President Bobbi Harris
Past President Mark Klotz
Treasurer Vacant
Secretary Bruce Petterson
Hall Operations Mark Klotz
2023-2024 Coordinators
MCARFA Rep Charles Gachnang
Programs Charles Gachnang
Bingo Nathalie Amyotte
Reimbursements Cindy Wiebe 780-462-2101 ext 2
Activity Centre Vacant
Newsletter Jeremiah Raible
Web Site Barry Headrick
Social Media Tanya Jacques
Community Liaison Bobbi Harris
Community League
Day Dawn Morgan
Watch Jeremiah Raible
LRT Citizen
Working Group Al Aben
Volunteer Appreciation Susan Tiege
Volunteer Appreciation Linda Kinnee
Volunteer Appreciation Cheri Krywko
Memberships Vacant
EFCL Vacant
Soccer Bob Graham
Casino Dale Travis
Woodvale Big Bin Event Al Aben
Front Yards In Bloom Bobbi Harris
Summer Rink Program Linda Kinnee
Coordinators Carmen Pubantz
Sue Tiege
2023-2024 Partners
CoE Neighborhood
Resource Coordinator Jay Row
Greenview School Cheri Krywko
Hillview School Vacant
Blessed John
Paul 1 School Eric Amyotte
Playschool Susan Haws
2023-2024 Other
Woodvale Community
League Office Cindy Wiebe 780-462-2101 ext 2
Woodvale Facility Manager Cindy Wiebe 780-462-2101 ext 2