Welcome to the Woodvale Community League Latest News Blog
On this page, we will post the latest news and upcoming events of interest to Woodvale residents.
Outdoor Soccer Season Registration
Registration is open from February 4, 2025 to March 18, 2025 for the upcoming outdoor Soccer Season. For more info go to https://emsasouth.com/
Phase 1 parking has ended.
The Phase 1 parking ban ends on Friday, February 7, 2025, at 7 am. The Phase 1 ban included freeways, arterial roadways and business districts.
Be prepared for the next parking ban and sign up to receive parking ban text and email notifications! The advance notice of a parking ban, through text and/or email, helps residents know when to move their vehicles. It also helps crews clear roads safely and more efficiently. Subscribers are even notified of when a ban has ended. Visit edmonton.ca/SafeTravels to sign up for notifications.
EPCOR Community League Ice Rink Grant
From: EPCOR <noreply@optimytool.com>
Sent: December 6, 2024 11:39 AM
Subject: EPCOR Community League Ice Rink Grant
Dear Cindy
Thank you for submitting the application form for the Woodvale Community League. We are pleased to inform you that your application has been approved but due to the Canada Post Nationwide disruption, we are not able to mail cheques at this time. Please visit this SurveyMonkey to review and select alternate options for delivery.
On behalf of everyone at EPCOR, thank you for creating a safe place to skate for your community. We’re also thankful for your help in sharing this important safety message with your online audiences. Below are some examples of social media copy for your use. Alternatively, you can draft your own social posts to help spread the word about the hazards of stormwater facilities.
Take a photo of the ice rink (or the site of your community’s future rink) that was funded in part through EPCOR’s community rink grant, tag @epcor and caption it with information about your community rink and why community rinks like this are important to ensure that families understand that skating on stormwater facilities are dangerous and can choose a safer alternative.
Example caption:
We are excited to welcome you to our community ice rink which was one of more than 50 community rinks who received a community rink grant from EPCOR this year! The grant helps communities like ours create safe places to skate in Edmonton and discourages skating on stormwater facilities. Still ponds in our neighborhood may look safe, but they are actually important stormwater facilities with water moving beneath the surface. This makes the ice dangerously unpredictable. This winter let's work together to remind friends, family and neighbours to choose a safe location to enjoy the outdoors! #skatesafeyeg Learn more at epcor.com/wintersafety
Ice rink not built yet? Example caption:
We are excited to announce that this is the future site of a community ice rink for our neighbourhood and one of more than 50 community rinks who will be receiving a community rink grant from EPCOR this year! The grant helps communities like ours create safe places to skate in Edmonton and discourages skating on stormwater facilities. Still ponds in our neighborhood may look safe, but they are actually important stormwater facilities with water moving beneath the surface. This makes the ice dangerously unpredictable. This winter let's work together to remind friends, family and neighbours to choose a safe location to enjoy the outdoors! #skatesafeyeg #stormwatersafetyLearn more at epcor.com/wintersafety
We will also be providing safety messaging regarding stormwater facilities on our own social media channels including exciting announcements, contests and events to bring added awareness to this important safety message. We encourage you to follow us and reshare these posts with your audiences.
If you have any questions about the grant or the social media posts, please contact EWSCustomers@epcor.com.
Thank you again,
EPCOR Water Services
880 CHED Santas Anonymous 2024 Toy Campaign
Hello from Santa's Depot! The Woodvale Community League will be placing Santas Anonymous toy collection boxes in the foyer of the Woodvale Facility beginning in the week of November 12, 2024. Your donations of a new unwrapped toy for children are very much appreciated!

The Woodvale Clubhouse Restaurant has closed for the Season
The Woodvale Clubhouse Restaurant closed on November 1, 2024, on the same day that the Mill Woods Golf Course closed for the season. We home to see you again in the spring when the golf course opens for 2025.
The new operating hours for the Woodvale Facility office, effective November 1, 2024 to March 31 2025, are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Please send all inquiries to bobbi-jo@woodvalefacility.ca
Please send all Woodvale memberships messages to Admin@woodvalefacility.ca
Hillview Neighbourhood and Alley Renewal
Hillview has been chosen for Neighbourhood and Alley Renewal. Since November 2022, we’ve been reaching out to Hillview residents and stakeholders to gather ideas and feedback through many project stages. We are now ready to share the final design for Hillview.
The project includes the replacement of local roads, alleys, street lights, sidewalks and curbs. We have also explored opportunities to improve how people walk, roll, bike and drive in the neighbourhood and potential improvements to parks and open spaces.
Starting September 17, you can visit edmonton.ca/BuildingHillview to:
View the final design in the What We Decided Report
Watch the final design videos
Submit questions related to the final design to the Project Team
CLICK HERE to view the poster for this project.
Woodvale Rink Update June 28 2024
The Woodvale Rink is open for general sports use on the new concrete surface. The surface has been cleaned and additional hockey nets are in place for community use. The rink is open 7 days a week from 9:00am to 9:00pm, until the end of August 2024. Hours are dependent on weather, and volunteer availability. The rink team can be contacted at woodvalecommunityrink@gmail.com for any questions or ideas. The rink is not available for private bookings.
Hillview Neighbourhood and Alley Renewal - Updated on June 21, 2024
The City of Edmonton is in the process of planning the Hillview Neighborhood and Alley Renewal for 2025. Various steps have been done with issuing surveys to residents to create a draft design and then held an open house on February 15, 2024, at Hillview School.
Two aspects of the neighborhood renewal required volunteers in the community to determine whether the majority of the community preferred changes to them or stay with what was currently used. The Community League issued a postcard to all Hillview residents and businesses with a survey link to complete on these two items. The postcards were mailed out the 2nd week of March and the survey had a deadline of April 22, 2024. We then compiled the results and sent them to the city by a deadline of May 1, 2024.
The two items surveyed were:
1. Decorative Street lighting Upgrades for the Hillview area. Property owners only, could answer this, as there was a cost to each property owner if this went ahead. The survey provided the details on types of poles, lighting, light arms, and colors available. See the link in the survey for full details on the lighting. For more information you can also visit edmonton.ca/BuildingHillview or edmonton.ca/DecorativeStreetLights
2. Decorative Street Blades (Street Signs): All residents could answer this on possible design changes to the sign blades (15 designs were available) and a recommended adding of the Woodvale Community League Logo. Five colors are also available. These would be done at no charge to the property owners. See the link in the survey for full details on the Decorative Street Blades. For more information you can also visit edmonton.ca/BuildingHillview
Survey results
o 2692 Survey Cards were distributed via Canada Post to Hillview Residents and Businesses in March 2024.
o 75 property owners and 2 renters responded by the survey deadline.
o The decorative street lighting required at least 50% + 1 of the responses in favor to be considered as all property owners would have had to pay for the cost of upgrading and only property owners could respond on this question. 58 of the 75 responses were No to decorative street lights.
When less than 20% of the property owners submit a expression of Interest by the deadline, the decorative street lighting process is at the discretion of the city. We have responded back to the city that it appears most responders were not in favor and that we should not proceed with this upgrade. The city has indicated that they will go with this and will NOT be changing to decorative street lights but will be upgrading to new galvanized standard street lighting at no charge to the property owners when the neighborhood renewal is done.
o New Street Blade designs: 15 designs were included in the survey which would be done at no cost to the property owners. Colors could be in red, blue, green, black or brown.
25% or 13 of 52 responses preferred design 9,
8 of 52 or 15% preferred design 10,
The top 2 colors selected were Black and Green and almost the same number for each.
The city provided mock-ups of the two top designs in the 2 colors selected and the Woodvale Community League Logo and wording were included on the signs.
The Community League recommended the Design 9 with the Black coloring as the design to use if the renewal does go ahead.
Click here to view the upper left picture from the final design that the city will proceed with for street signs if the Hillview Neighborhood Renewal Project proceeds.
Woodvale Community League Monthly Newsletters
Soccer Indoor Season Registration is Open
Indoor season for this fall is open for registration at the EMSA South website. EMSA South | Mini Community Premier
City of Edmonton Problem Properties Initiative
The Problem Properties Initiative focuses on improving community safety and livability, by coordinating the efforts of municipal and provincial agencies involved in licensing, regulation and enforcement concerns related to problem properties.
Woodvale Community Walking Map