This post contains general information for Woodvale residents.
Wahkohtowin Family Night February 20, 2025

Blue Quill Community League Cooking Classes starting January 9 2025

Winter YouthWrite Programming Open for Registration
From: Gail Sobat <>
Sent: November 28, 2024 2:54 PM
Subject: Community Leagues - Winter YouthWrite Programming Open for Registration!
Hello Community Leagues!
We are so thankful for your continued support of our programs, and for spreading the word about YouthWrite to your community. When we ask our YouthWriters where they found out about us, more and more of them are telling us they found out through their Community League. In light of that, we'd love it if you could let us know the best way to get you information about our programs. Is it via email with a little graphic to use in your newsletters? Would you prefer we skip the email and just mail you a physical poster to put up? Let us know!
Winter is coming...Winter Wordplay, that is!
We are so excited to start 2025 off right with this beloved YouthWrite weekend workshop. As always, you can expect amazing instructors, beloved traditions, and so much fun: that's Winter Wordplay!
This year's Winter Wordplay Programming:

This year's special guest instructors are Louise Casemore and Medgine Mathurin !
With overnight and day camp options:
Winter WordPlay Overnight Experience 2024!
· Ages 12-19
· January 24-26, 2025 at Providence Centre (3005 119 St NW, Edmonton)
· Drop off time 7pm January 24th. Pick up time 9:30am January 26th.
· $230.00
· Price includes: tuition, supplies, meals, snacks, accommodation, evening entertainment.
Winter WordPlay Day Camp Experience 2024!
· Ages 10-19
· January 25th (9am-9pm) at Providence Centre(3005 119 St NW, Edmonton)
· $195.00
· Price includes: tuition, supplies, lunch, supper, snacks, evening entertainment
Thank you again for your continued support!
Sending warmth and love this holiday season.
The YouthWrite Team:
Gail, Mason, and Tania
Gail Sidonie Sobat [she/her pronouns]
ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ (Amiskwacîwâskahikan), Treaty 6/Métis Territory
YouthWrite® Coordinator
YouthWrite®, a camp for kids who love to write…just about anything!©
Sport Central: Skating / Shinny Equipment Available
From: Outreach <> Sent: October 7, 2024 1:23 PM Subject: Sport Central: Skating / Shinny Equipment Available
Greetings from Sport Central!
We hope you had a wonderful summer. As we enter October and begin preparations for our winter season Sport Central is open to receive orders for our Community Outreach Program.
For those unaware of our program:
Sport Central provides free equipment to families facing financial hardship within the province of Alberta. The equipment has been donated by generous Edmontonian across they city and refurbished by our amazing team of volunteers. Our Community Outreach program stives to work with local community’s leagues to expand our reach and get more kids active and engaged. Leagues can apply for the following equipment to lend or give out to their residents at no cost.
Leagues can apply for:
Hockey Skates
Figure Skates
Helmet (Limited quantity available with cages)
Misc Balls
Leagues that HAVE worked with Sport Central in the Past:
Please follow this link and complete your application:
Leagues that have NEVER worked with Sport Central in the Past:
Please follow this link and complete your application:
Please note:
We kindly ask that none of the equipment provided is used for monetary gain.
Sport Central appreciates any promotion or donations for their services but is not a requirement to apply for equipment.
If there are families that require other equipment (hockey, soccer, baseball, bicycles, etc.) please refer them to Sport Central (780-477-1166 /
Please reach out to if you have any questions or concerns.
Karst Bakker
Community Outreach / IT Administrator

11847 Wayne Gretzky Drive North.
Edmonton, Alberta T5B 1Y2
Main: 780-477-1166
Fax: 780-474-9982
We acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and travelling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.
Learn to Camp
Dear friends of the Edmonton Learn-to Camp program,
Can you believe it is almost July already? With our calendar almost completely booked this summer, I wanted to take a moment to share that we have two Overnight Events available on August 3-4 and August 10-11th. This year, Overnight Events are based out of Elk Island National Park! Feel free to share the poster with your networks and/or put it up in your community spaces.
If you have any questions or wish to be removed from future newsletters, please do not hesitate to reach out
Happy trails,
The Edmonton Learn-to Camp Team
Learn to Camp | Initiation au camping
Elk Island National Park | Parc National Elk Island
Parks Canada/Government of Canada | Parcs Canada/Governement du Canada
Parks Canada - 450 000 km2 of stories | Parcs Canada - 450 000 km2 d’histoires

Front Yards In Bloom 2024
From: Beautifications COPS BPCE <>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2024 12:24 PM
Subject: Front Yards in Bloom - Call for Volunteers this month!
Good afternoon,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Claire, and I am the Program Coordinator of the Front Yards in Bloom (FYiB) program. As we celebrate our 25th anniversary season, we are thrilled to reflect on the program’s many years of fostering community pride.
We are excited to be collaborating with leagues throughout the city to support our volunteer operations. If your league is already involved—thank you! Your support is invaluable.
Why We Need Your Help:
Volunteerism, celebration and creativity are essential elements that our communities need right now, and they have always been at the heart of what FYiB stands for. We are asking for your support to gather volunteers for the program. With thousands of sites throughout the city needing nomination packages delivered, there's truly no such thing as ‘too many volunteers’ for Front Yards in Bloom. The more hands, the merrier!
How You Can Help:
We need volunteers by the end of June! Here’s how your league can assist:
· Website: Post a volunteer call-out
· Social Media: Share our volunteer opportunities
· Community Boards/Newsletters: Include our request in your communications
· Share any other ways you can think of!
In everything you share, please include a link to the registration page! Register to volunteer >
Here's a caption to accompany your posts:
Volunteer with the 25th Season of Front Yards in Bloom!
Registration is now open to volunteer with Front Yards in Bloom. This is a short term commitment, where you will help deliver nomination packages and celebrate the hard work of our community!
Message for New Leagues:
If you represent new communities, volunteering and nominating with FYiB can help build foundational connections as your neighborhoods and league establish. This is a fantastic way to bring together those who are putting down roots and to celebrate those who are making a home.
Get in Touch:
For more information or to discuss further, do not hesitate to reach out to our team.
Thank you for your support. We are looking forward to seeing all the effort and creativity of your communities this season!
Warm regards,
The In Bloom Team
City of Edmonton
Coronation 14323 115 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T5M 3B8
amiskwacîwâskahikan | ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ | Papaschase Cree First Nation & Treaty Six Territory | Métis Nation Regional Zone 4

Invasive Plant Outreach Program - City of Edmonton
From: Amy Smith
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2024 11:21 AM
To: Cindy Wiebe
Subject: Advertising Help Needed for Volunteer Weed Pull Events
Dear Woodvale Community League,
We are reaching out on behalf of the Invasive Plant Outreach Program to request your assistance in promoting our upcoming Volunteer Weed Pull events to the Woodvale communities. These weed pulls aim to stop the spread of invasive species through awareness, education and action while helping to bring members of the community together over a shared cause. We believe these volunteer opportunities could be aligned with the interests of your community members and the events would benefit from your support. We kindly ask for: the inclusion of our upcoming events in your newsletter and/or the placement of our poster on your website or physical notice board. The events near your community league will be happening at Mill Creek Ravine on June 15th and at Tawa Park on July 12th.
Thank you for considering our request.
Best Regards,
Amy Smith (she/her)
City of Edmonton
Coronation Integrated Site
14323 115 Avenue
Edmonton AB T5M 3B8

Drawn To Character Workshops
From: Gail Sobat <>
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 1:59 PMT
Subject: Spread the Word: Drawn 2 Character & Young Writers' Summer Camps!
Hello Community Builders,
We hope you are well!
Here at YouthWrite, we're already looking ahead to the summer. Our Summer Young Writers' Camps are coming up, and we're hoping you'll help us by getting the word out!
But first! A reminder that our fabulous Drawn To Character workshops run this weekend, and there is still time to register! We would love it if you could spread the word — our awesome instructors can't wait to explore comics, characters and world-building with your community's young creatives. One last time, here are the workshop dates and links:
· May 4th: Table Top Adventure with instructor Mason Repka at Red Claw Gaming (13552 Fort Rd NW, Edmonton, AB). Ages 10-19. 10am-3pm.
· May 5th: Comics Creation with instructors Chelsea Wong and Dan Schneider at Rolling Tales Pop Culture (10219 106 St, Edmonton, AB). Ages 10-19. 10am-3pm.
Now for our fantastic YouthWrite Summer... Our instructors this July are beyond incredible and they are so excited to share their talents and knowledge with creative young writers and artists from across the province!
The camp dates and links are below, and our posters are attached to this email. We hope you can help us by putting up our posters, sharing our camp information online or in your newsletters, and in any other way you can! Please let your community know that registration for all camps closes on June 23.
YouthWrite Summer Camps: What is Your Story?
· June 30-July 05: Highlands Experience in Edmonton, AB. Ages 8-12. Day camp with Thursday overnight option.
· June 30-July 05: Elbow River I Experience in Calgary, AB. Ages 10-14. Day or overnight camp options.
· July 07-12: Elbow River II Experience in Calgary, AB. Ages 15-19. Day or overnight camp options.
· NEW CAMP! July 14-19: Write to Film in Calgary, AB. Ages 15-19. Day camp (Ages 18+ may arrange with the facility to stay overnight at an extra cost, but there will be no supervision from YouthWrite staff.)
Thank you for all your help in getting the word out about our wonderful programs!
Wishing you and your loved ones all the best,
Gail, Elise, Maia, Tania & Mason
the YouthWrite Team
Gail Sidonie Sobat [she/her pronouns]ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ (Amiskwacîwâskahikan), Treaty 6/Métis Territory
YouthWrite® Coordinator
info@youthwrite.comwww.youthwrite.com780-996-4962YouthWrite®, a camp for kids who love to write…just about anything!©

Shuffleboard - Ottewell Curling Club
My name is Dan Leclair. I am with the Greater Edmonton Shuffleboard Association. We are a non-profit association and we run a shuffleboard league during the summer at the Ottewell Curling Club (see link below). It is a fun activity and only costs $100 to play all summer or there is a drop in fee of $7

Affordable tennis programs for kids near your league
Hello! My name is Tamara Salajic and I am the Marketing Coordinator for the Edmonton Junior Tennis Society. We touched base earlier about an ad we ran with your league in February. Again, thank you so much for doing that, we really appreciated it! Just for a recap: If you are unfamiliar with the organization, EJTS is a tennis non-profit in Edmonton and the surrounding area which offers affordable tennis lessons for kids ages 4-17 and adults! I was wondering if it would be possible to run an ad with your community league again. We are now advertising our affordable spring classes and there is a location near your league. The write-up could be: "Spring Registration for tennis programs at the Edmonton Junior Tennis Society are still open (EJTS)! EJTS is a tennis non-profit which offers affordable tennis programming, and expert coaching to kids ages 4-17 and adults (18+)! Junior and Adult programming has room for more participants. Adult programs run Thursday-Saturday evenings at the Saville and Kinsmen Sports Centres, and junior programs run Tuesday/Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday afternoons and evenings at various locations. The Meadows Rec Centre near you has spots available for kids ages U5-10+! Please feel free to message us should you have any questions. For more information, or to register, please visit" I have a poster as well with more information that could be posted alongside the caption. Let me know if you are interested in running another ad with us! If there is more to be talked about, feel free to shoot me an email back and we can discuss further. If you are looking for a different type of media (example: instagram post), I can create that as well for you. Thank you and have a great day!
Tamara Salajic (she/her)
Marketing Coordinator
Edmonton Junior Tennis Society
Phone: 780-729-1365 E-mail:
Edmonton Junior Tennis Community
My name is Tamara Salajic and I am the Marketing Coordinator for the Edmonton Junior Tennis Society. If you are unfamiliar with the organization, EJTS is a tennis non-profit in Edmonton and the surrounding area which offers affordable tennis lessons for kids ages 4-17 and adults! I was wondering if it would be possible to run an ad with your community league. It would be something along the lines of: "Winter Registration for tennis programs at the Edmonton Junior Tennis Society is still open (EJTS)! EJTS is a tennis non-profit which offers affordable tennis programming, and expert coaching to kids ages 4-17 and adults (18+)! Junior and Adult programming has room for more participants. Adult programs run Thursday-Saturday evenings at the Saville and Kinsmen Sports Centres, and junior programs run Tuesday/Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday afternoons and evenings at various locations. Please feel free to message us should you have any questions. For more information, or to register, please visit" I have a post as well that could be posted if that is something you are interested in including! I can also type out the junior locations and send that back to you as well, they are listed in the post as well. Let me know if running an ad is something you are interested in and how we can proceed! If there is more to be talked about, feel free to shoot me an email back and we can discuss further. Thank you and have a good night! -- Tamara Salajic (she/her) Marketing Coordinator Edmonton Junior Tennis Society Phone: 780-729-1365 E-mail:
Rockers Youth Rugby Development Camp
Join the Rockers all-female rugby camp designed exclusively for girls aged 13-18, where they'll learn from experienced female coaches who inspire teamwork, leadership, and confidence on and off the field. It's a place where girls tackle challenges and friendship together, forging a path to greatness in the world of rugby. Strength, skills, and sisterhood: Empowering Girls Through Rugby.
Contact Laura: for any questions
Click here to register
Click here to view the poster for this event.
Parking Ban Notifications
This year, the City of Edmonton has launched a new parking ban notification tool.
Signing up for notifications is easy! The 24 hour advance notice of a parking ban, through text and/or email, helps drivers avoid a $250 fine. It also helps crews clear roads safely and more efficiently. Subscribers are even notified of when a ban has ended. Visit to sign up for notifications.
