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Woodvale 2022 Green Shack Program


Monday July 4 2022 to Thursday August 25 2022


Morning Program

Monday to Friday

10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Greenview School

5804-38 Avenue


Afternoon Program

Monday to Friday

2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Hillview School

355 Woodvale Road East


Get active and join in on games, sport, crafts, music, drama and special events! A complete list of activities and special events is posted on the side of Green Shacks each week. If there is a game or activity that piques your child's interest that you would like to have included in the programming, just ask the Program Leader.


Program leaders will be hosting a variety of games, challenges and activities that are sure to get kids active and having fun!


Program Leaders are easily identified by their blue shirts and may be assisted by volunteer leaders in training. All leaders:


  • Have completed a security clearance process, are trained in first aid, and are certified specialists in fun!

  • Ensure participants play safely (Parents are responsible for their children at all times and must be available in the event of an emergency).


Programming is still available on rainy/snowy days, but may be cancelled during severe weather.


For more information on the Green Shack program, please visit the City of Edmonton webpage at 

2022 CoE Green Shack Program

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